裏切りの後で After the Betrayal
(大修道院近郊 夕方)
Monastery Outskirts | Afternoon
バルタザール: おい、ユーリス……てめえ……!何のつもりだ……!?
Balthus: Yuri! You damned scoundrel! What are you doing?!
ユーリス: ははっ、いやあ、何のつもりかなんて見りゃわかるだろ?
Yuri: Heh, I think you can see what I'm doing, Balthus.
アルファルド: ご苦労でした、ユーリス。君のおかげで、こうして宝杯も手に入った。そして、四使徒の血も……
Aelfric: Beautifully executed, Yuri. The chalice is finally mine now. Along with the blood of the Four Apostles.
コンスタンツェ: ……的を射ていたのですわね。もう一人の「私」の、身内の中に敵がいるとの推論は。
Constance: It seems I was correct...that there was an enemy in our midst. To think our bird was instead a rat.
ユーリス: お前は想像力が豊かだからなあ。話を逸らすのに骨が折れたぜ。
Yuri: You've always had a wild imagination, Constance. I've got to say, turning your attention elsewhere was a challenge even for me.
アルファルド: 無駄話はそこまでですよ、ユーリス。余計な情報を与えるなと言ったでしょう。
Aelfric: That is enough with the banter, Yuri. I informed you not to divulge too much.
ユーリス: どうせ死ぬんだ。少しくらい教えてやったっていいだろ?
Yuri: They'll all be under the dirt soon enough. It's not like they'll be able to talk at that point.
After all I've gone and done for you, Aelfric, I would think you'd have just a bit more faith in me.
アルファルド: ………………。
Aelfric: ...
ユーリス: ……はあ。ま、そういうことだ。まだ雑談に興じていたいところだが……
Yuri: Your silence speaks volumes... Guess this is the end of the niceties.
It's all on you now, friend. I'm sure you and the others will figure it out.
ディミトリ: ……! 先生、無事か!
Dimitri: Professor! Are you injured?
Choice 1: 実は無傷だ I made it out unscathed.
エーデルガルト: え? どういうことかしら。確かに貴方は斬られて……
Edelgard: Impossible. Surely you suffered a wound.
Choice 2: 満身創痍だ…… It's nothing too concerning...
エーデルガルト: 冗談を言えるくらいには元気なのね。でも貴方は斬られたのだし……
Edelgard: I see you're well enough to make light of a serious situation. But surely you suffered a wound.
Byleth: そうではない I didn't.
クロード: 先生、もう少しわかりやすく……斬るふりだけだって!?
Claude: Teach, there's no time for playing around. Tell us how― Ah, I get it. He only pretended to attack you, didn't he?
So you were just playing a part in this grand performance. But was that really the smartest decision here?
ディミトリ: ああ、宝杯と3人が連れ去られたんだ。急ぎ彼らを追わねば、何が起こるか……。
Dimitri: The chalice and the Ashen Wolves are gone. I am loath to think what will become of them without our help.
エーデルガルト: でも、どう追うと言うの?行き先も何も、手がかりはないわ。
Edelgard: And how do you propose we pursue them? We haven't a clue where they went.
クロード: 奴の目的は、見えなくはないけどな。そうすると自ずと場所は限定され……
Claude: Well, we know what they're after. That at least narrows down the possibilities.
レア: Byleth……!ああ……間に合いませんでしたか……。
Rhea: Professor! Are we too late?
エーデルガルト: 大司教殿?どうしてここへ?
Edelgard: Lady Rhea? Why have you come?
レア: ……あなた方を送り出した後、灰狼の学級の生徒たちの素性を調査したのです。
Rhea: After sending you all off, I began to investigate the lineage of the Ashen Wolves.
In doing so, I was able to confirm that the documented information about their Crests was falsified.
What was once a wild speculation, I now know to be true.
The Crests they bear are the same as those of the Four Apostles―the very same who long ago enacted the Rite of Rising.
Once the blood of the four is poured upon the chalice, its power can be harnessed.
I believe we have enough evidence to assume that our Ashen Wolves will suffice to carry out this ritual.
ディミトリ: アルファルド殿が、宝杯の儀を再現できる可能性があると……?
Dimitri: So Aelfric's aim must be to carry out the Rite of Rising...at the expense of the students...
Lady Rhea... What, precisely, is the purpose of this ritual?
クロード: 命を呼び戻す儀とは聞きましたよ。けど、実際に何が起こるっていうんです?
Claude: We've heard it has the power to resurrect life, but that can't be true... Can it?
レア: 宝杯は……女神が創り出した神器なのです。傷つき、失われた肉体を癒やすための……
Rhea: The chalice is a holy artifact, created by the goddess herself. It serves to restore a physical form that was previously lost to this world.
クロード: 失われた肉体を癒やす……やっぱり死者を蘇生するってことですか!?
Claude: So those wild tales are true. It really can bring someone back to life.
レア: いいえ……取り戻せるのは肉体だけです。心と魂を残したもののみ蘇らせられる……。
Rhea: Not exactly. It can breath life into a body, but it cannot return a spirit that has already departed.
Ultimately, it is a tool to return the goddess to her physical form. Her spirit is omnipresent, but her flesh is no more.
Such incredible power is truly awe inspiring― and extremely dangerous. In that way, it is akin to the Heroes' Relics.
For this reason, the Four Apostles were never intended to pass down their Crests. This gathering should never have been possible.
The Ashen Wolves are now gathered together, making it possible once more.
クロード: なるほどな。アルファルドさんがアビスを使って集めていたってわけですか。
Claude: And Aelfric is at the center of this mess, luring them all to Abyss for his own selfish reasons.
Without so much as a whisper of it to the church, of course.
レア: ……今回の件は、宝杯を彼らに託してしまった私の落ち度です。
Rhea: This incident is my own doing. I never should have entrusted the chalice to them.
エーデルガルト: 大司教殿、彼らの行方に心当たりは?
Edelgard: Lady Rhea, do you have any idea where they could have gone?
レア: ……宝杯の儀は、主の力で加護されているガルグ=マクの中で行う必要があります。
Rhea: I do indeed. Garreg Mach, which is protected by the goddess, is the only place the Rite of Rising can be performed.
Holding such a ritual requires absolute focus, so I imagine the setting would need to be serene, peaceful.
ディミトリ: 静謐な場所、ですか。とはいえ修道院にはそれに類する場所が無数にあるような……
Dimitri: There are countless such places within the monastery walls...
Choice 1: 聖廟とか…… The Holy Mausoleum?
エーデルガルト: 聖廟? 確かに静謐ではあるけれど、前節の騒ぎのせいで警戒は厳重に……
Edelgard: It's certainly peaceful there, but due to last month's incident, it's heavily guarded at the present.
Choice 2: 食堂とか…… The dining hall?
ディミトリ: 食堂? 静謐というには無理がある気も…………先生、腹でも減ったのか?
Dimitri: I hardly think the dining hall would be considered peaceful, Professor. Are you sure you're not just hungry?
Choice 3: 書庫とか…… The library?
クロード: 書庫? 確かに静謐な感じはするよな。だが……結構な人数だったし狭くないか?
Claude: I suppose it's quite there, but it's also open to the public and just a wee bit cramped, Teach.
レア: とにかく、一度修道院に戻りましょう。……調査すべき事柄も少なくありません。
Rhea: For now, let us return to the monastery. There is much to consider.
アロイス: ……レア様!
Alois: Lady Rhea!
レア: 血相を変えてどうしたのです、アロイス。何か変事が……?
Rhea: You look troubled, Alois. What has happened?
アロイス: ガルグ=マクの街に……外郭内に盗賊団が現れたとの知らせが!
Alois: Thieves have breached Garreg Mach's village walls!
They've been pillaging the shops and residences, taking whatever they please!
レア: まさか、アルファルドが……?
Rhea: I wonder if this has anything to do with Aelfric.
アロイス: わかりませんが……とにかく数が多く、街の警備だけではとても対応できないとのこと!
Alois: There's no telling, but for now, their numbers are too great. They need the knights!
By your will, Lady Rhea, allow us to clear the village of these hooligans!
レア: ……急ぎ民の安全を確保なさい。ただし精鋭を数人、私の元に残すように。
Rhea: Yes, Alois. Please ensure the safety of the Villagers immediately. However, leave a few of your best knights here with me.
アロイス: はっ! 仰せのとおりに!
Alois: Yes, Your Grace. I'll see to it.
クロード: それで、どうすんだ、先生?何か言いかけてた気がするが。
Claude: Teach? You look like you've got something to say.
Byleth: 実はユーリスが…… I do. It's about Yuri...
クロード: 聖廟で待ち合わせ?二人でそんな内緒話をしてたとはね。
Claude: He told you to meet up with him at the Holy Mausoleum? You never run out of secrets, do ya, Teach?
ディミトリ: ……ユーリスの奴、やはり何か事情を抱えているようだな。
Dimitri: I'm certain that Yuri had his reasons for setting up this meeting.
He took the time to speak with you, however cryptically, before he left.
エーデルガルト: なぜ夜半過ぎなのかしら。すぐに踏み込んだほうがいいのでは?
Edelgard: Fair point, Dimitri. I do wonder why he told you it needed to be after midnight. Wouldn't it be better to rush to their aid immediately?
クロード: ま、計算高いあいつのこった。どうせ何か考えがあるんだろ。
Claude: Yuri's no fool. There's a method to his madness...